Top hcps in Torrance
How can I make an appointment with Dr. David A Tanen?
You can view Dr. David A Tanen's profile on MedSynapse to make an appointment.
What is Dr. David A Tanen's top areas of care?
Dr. David A Tanen's top areas of care are traumatic injuries, emergency department, Head, Neck, and Spine Injuries, , Heavy Bleeding, Heavy bleeding, Stroke Symptoms .
Who is Dr. David A Tanen?
Dr. David A Tanen is Emergency Specialist in Torrance. Dr. David A Tanen is affiliated with medical facilities such as Harbor UCLA Medical Center. Dr. David A Tanen graduated from .
What is Dr. David A Tanen's education qualification?
Dr. David A Tanen graduated from .
Where does Dr. David A Tanen work?
Dr. David A Tanen is affiliated with medical facilities such as Harbor UCLA Medical Center.
Why do patients visit Dr. David A Tanen?
Patients frequently visit Dr. David A Tanen for traumatic injuries, emergency department, Head, Neck, and Spine Injuries, , Heavy Bleeding, Heavy bleeding, Stroke Symptoms .