Top doctors in Bhopal
How can I make an appointment with Dr. Garima Namdev?
You can view Dr. Garima Namdev's profile on MedSynapse to make an appointment.
What is Dr. Garima Namdev's top areas of care?
Dr. Garima Namdev's top area of care is Community Medicine.
Who is Dr. Garima Namdev?
Dr. Garima Namdev is Community Medicine Practitioner in Bhopal. Dr. Garima Namdev is affiliated with medical facilities such as Narayan Shri Homeopathic Hospital and Chirayu Medical College and Hospital.
Where does Dr. Garima Namdev work?
Dr. Garima Namdev is affiliated with medical facilities such as Narayan Shri Homeopathic Hospital and Chirayu Medical College and Hospital.
Why do patients visit Dr. Garima Namdev?
Patients frequently visit Dr. Garima Namdev for Community Medicine.