How can I make an appointment with Dr. Jonathan Braman?
You can view Dr. Jonathan Braman's profile on MedSynapse to make an appointment.
What is Dr. Jonathan Braman's top areas of care?
Dr. Jonathan Braman's top areas of care are Arthritis, Fractures, Dislocated joints, Torn ligaments, Tendon injuries, Osteoporosis, Cerebral palsy, Abnormalities during childhood growth, General rehab from serious injuries, Scoliosis.
Who is Dr. Jonathan Braman?
Dr. Jonathan Braman is Orthopedic Surgeon in Bloomington.
Why do patients visit Dr. Jonathan Braman?
Patients frequently visit Dr. Jonathan Braman for Arthritis, Fractures, Dislocated joints, Torn ligaments, Tendon injuries, Osteoporosis, Cerebral palsy, Abnormalities during childhood growth, General rehab from serious injuries, Scoliosis.

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