How can I make an appointment with Dr. George Castillo?
You can view Dr. George Castillo's profile on MedSynapse to make an appointment.
What is Dr. George Castillo's top areas of care?
Dr. George Castillo's top areas of care are Primary care and preventive medical services.
Who is Dr. George Castillo?
Dr. George Castillo is Consulting Physician.
Why do patients visit Dr. George Castillo?
Patients frequently visit Dr. George Castillo for Primary care and preventive medical services.

Contributions and Activities

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) affects 396 cases per 10,000 people globally, including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. The COVID-19 pandemic posed challenges for managing IBD patients due to a lack of guidelines. Knowledgeable practitioners developed guidelines based on their expertise to manage IBD-associated disease in COVID-19 patients ...


Choice of Treatment for Crohn's Disease with COVID-19 Infection

2053 Reached6 Comments

<p>How will You Treat This Patient with Trigeminal Facial Pain?</p>

How will You Treat This Patient with Trigeminal Facial Pain?

1475 Reached61 Comments2 Likes

Analysis of Burn Scar Formation and the Role of Scar Management
Analysis of Burn Scar Formation and the Role of Scar Management
326 Reached11 Comments

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