How can I make an appointment with Dr. Jeff Baker?
You can view Dr. Jeff Baker's profile on MedSynapse to make an appointment.
What is Dr. Jeff Baker's top areas of care?
Dr. Jeff Baker's top areas of care are Primary care and preventive medical services.
Who is Dr. Jeff Baker?
Dr. Jeff Baker is Consulting Physician.
Why do patients visit Dr. Jeff Baker?
Patients frequently visit Dr. Jeff Baker for Primary care and preventive medical services.

Contributions and Activities

Antiretroviral therapy (ART) suppresses viral replication. Successful viral suppression helps in restoring the immune system and stops onset and progression of disease as well as lowers the chances of getting opportunistic infections. That is how ART works and thus enhancing both quality of life and longevity. Adherence to ART regimen is very vital ...


Optimizing Antiretroviral Therapy Switches in HIV Treatment: Assessing Treatment History, Genetic Barrier to Resistance, and Listening to the Patient

218 Reached

<p>The Laparoscopic Anatomy of Rouviere&rsquo;s Sulcus</p>

The Laparoscopic Anatomy of Rouviere’s Sulcus

187 Reached

A Young Woman Presented with Urinary Tract Symptoms: Diagnose the condition
A Young Woman Presented with Urinary Tract Symptoms: Diagnose the condition
921 Reached22 Comments

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