Dr. Mastakim Ahmed Mazumder

Dr. Mastakim Ahmed Mazumder Nephrologist, Guwahati Metro Hospital Pvt Ltd.

Specialty and Interest




Guwahati Metro Hospital Pvt Ltd.
2022 - Present

Associate Consultant
Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi
2021 - 2022
New Delhi

Guwahati Neurological Research Centre
2020 - 2021

Education and Training

Gauhati Medical College and Hospital (GMCH)
DM - Nephrology
2017 - 2020

Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh
2013 - 2016

National Board of Examination
DNB - Nephrology
- 2022
How can I make an appointment with Dr. Mastakim Ahmed Mazumder?
You can view Dr. Mastakim Ahmed Mazumder's profile on MedSynapse to make an appointment.
What is Dr. Mastakim Ahmed Mazumder's top areas of care?
Dr. Mastakim Ahmed Mazumder's top areas of care are acute kidney injury/failure, kidney dialysis, kidney stones.
Who is Dr. Mastakim Ahmed Mazumder?
Dr. Mastakim Ahmed Mazumder is Nephrologist in Guwahati. Dr. Mastakim Ahmed Mazumder is affiliated with medical facilities such as Guwahati Metro Hospital Pvt Ltd., Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi and many more. Dr. Mastakim Ahmed Mazumder graduated from Gauhati Medical College and Hospital (GMCH), Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh and many more.
What is Dr. Mastakim Ahmed Mazumder's education qualification?
Dr. Mastakim Ahmed Mazumder graduated from Gauhati Medical College and Hospital (GMCH), Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh and many more.
Where does Dr. Mastakim Ahmed Mazumder work?
Dr. Mastakim Ahmed Mazumder is affiliated with medical facilities such as Guwahati Metro Hospital Pvt Ltd., Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, New Delhi and many more.
Why do patients visit Dr. Mastakim Ahmed Mazumder?
Patients frequently visit Dr. Mastakim Ahmed Mazumder for acute kidney injury/failure, kidney dialysis, kidney stones.