Doctors specialising in Urology from Taif

Dr. Essam Elnagar

Director, King Abduaziz Specialist Hospital

Hospital(s): King Abdulaziz Specialist Hospital - Taif • (More)
Education: Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland - • (More)
City: Taif
Dr. Essam Elnagar is Urologist in Taif. Dr. Essam Elnagar is affiliated with medical facilities such as King Abdulaziz Specialist Hospital and Ministry of Health Saudi Arabia. Dr. Essam Elnagar graduated from Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and Alexandria University Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria.
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Who is a Urologist?
A Urologist is a medical doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the urinary tract and male reproductive system. They address issues such as kidney stones, urinary incontinence, prostate problems, and male sexual health. Urologists play a key role in maintaining urological and reproductive health.
What are the qualifications of a Urologist?
Qualifications for a Urologist typically include completing a bachelor's degree, attending medical school, and completing a residency program in Urology. They must obtain a medical license and may pursue board certification in Urology. Urologists may also specialize in areas like Pediatric Urology or Female Urology.